Firstly, I’m pretty sure you know, all of what I’m about to say is purely what I personally believe; all of it will be my own opinion. You have all the rights to disagree!
Recently I was watching TV, randomly switched to the news, and all I see is people talking about harassment, sexual abuse, marital assaults and the cruelty that can possibly exist in our society. It is that moment when I realized what it all comes down to; everything is made into a colossal issue and labeled as “FEMINISM”.
It is 2018 and these Feminists are taking it too far. If I talk about the history of women, it is undoubtedly true that women across the globe were unappreciated, specifically were not given much rights, be it education, work, politics etc. and that’s when these feminists emerged. It was a great thing, yes it was! These movements have really worked hard to get all the rights back, but what my point is, that now at this time the word “F E M I N I S M” is greatly misused and misunderstood.
It was history when women begged for rights and these campaigns struggled to get them indistinguishable honor and enabled women to get up and protest. But now it has all turned into a gender war. Feminists are now working less on women rights instead are creating a concept of “MAN HATE” and making women so bold that the balance is disturbed.
Feminism has resulted in statements like: “I walk out and about in a very small dress, and nobody no man ought to see me.” Why? Because women rights- FEMINISM! That totally doesn’t mean you can dress indecently go out in public and when a man stares at you because YOU PROVOKED HIM TO, you start blaming him for harassment and go home post something on social media about you not getting respect in the society, LOL. (Although I know this is a separate debate). Basically women do not even have the slightest idea of what feminism actually is. It has just become a trend that the women are proudly following regardless of the circumstances caused.
Feminism is just providing women equal rights in the society, when it comes to work pay, opportunities, and pretty much what men get but not better! Feminism NEVER meant diminishing a man’s rights, and blaming men for whatever is happening around us. It certainly is not a war of the sexes. The concept has been so much shaped that men are now afraid of the term “FEMINISM”, they see themselves begging for deprived rights in the coming future. We are not against men but against the historical thinking that has come down from generations to generations that forces the society to treat women unequally. I have been putting women on a severe negative role here but I’m just trying to say; men are targeted for no reason. Yet they are the ones paying our bills on a date. No? Why not split the bill? They are the ones who are supposed to hold doors for us until we pass? Yes? Why not open your own door? FEMINISM WITH DOUBLE STANDARDS IS NOT FEMINISM let me say this right now. True feminism is about equality for all, despite the gender.
In the end I would just say that Feminism is a great thing and I too look forward to see its future campaigns, but for some reasons it just took a turn for the extreme. I hope we sit back and reflect; AND MAKE FEMINISM GREAT AGAIN! Let’s put an end to gender stereotyping. And strive for a day when feminism is no longer needed.